Emma puttin her foot in her mouth

Emma puttin her foot in her mouth

Emma and Daddy in front of "the Pearl"

Emma and Daddy in front of "the Pearl"

Emma's first wrestling match

Emma's first wrestling match

Emma's first Easter

Emma's first Easter

Getting ready to see the Easter Bunny

Getting ready to see the Easter Bunny

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Time Gone By

It's been a long time since I've last blogged. I'm still working on balancing being a mom and working and keeping my house clean! I will do my best to catch you up to speed on what's been happening in Emma's life since her first month.

On February 28, Emma and I got hit by a deer while driving home from dinner with her Daddy. The deer survived, the car took a beating and Emma slept through it all! Later that week we were slammed with the biggest snow storm we've had in a long time. Our power went out, as did the heat. So Keith and I packed up Emma and went looking for a hotel to stay in. After visiting at least 5 hotels, we realized there were no available rooms. Keith called his friend Bob and asked if we could stay with him for a few days. Of course he said yes, so off we went to stay with Bob, Shawna and Arianna.

Shortly after we came home it was time for Emma's second month doctor visit. Emma weighed 11 pounds 2 ounces and was 23 inches long. Once again the doctor was pleased with Emma's progress. On Emma's third month visit she was 12 pounds 7 ounces and 24 inches long. On this visit Dr. El Naghy realized that Emma has a heart murmur. She thought that it was nothing to be alarmed about but recommended we see a specialist to make sure. Keith and I took Emma to a pediatric cardiologist and they ran some tests. Dr. Fethke said that Emma has a ventricular septal defect (think I got that right) but that it was so small he was surprised Emma's pediatrician heard it. Emma has to go bac to the cardiologist in six months to check up on the murmur.

At the beginning of April Emma started rolling over. She also has been babbling up a storm! She calls Keith da and me either ma, mama or occasionally mommy!!! Dr. El Naghy heard Emma call me mommy and she was so surprised.

We took Emma to get her picture taken with the Easter Bunny. Emma had her own bunny ears she looked so cute! On Easter Emma wore a cute dress that spent most of the day up in the air! It was quite difficult to capture a photo that day!! lol

Shortly before Emma turned four months, the ship that was used in the Pirates of the Caribbean was docked in the Newburgh waterfront. So of course we had to go see it! We stood in line about an hour and finally got to go on board. Emma was a little fussy waiting in line so Keith did a lot of walking that day, he slept real good that night! We also took Emma to her first wrestling match to see Jeff Hardy. I guess she paid attention because she used some of the moves on Keith later in the week, lol.

For Emma's fourth month check up she was 13 pounds 6 ounces and 25 and a half inches long! Think she's going to be taller that me by time she's in second grade! Emma loves listening to music and having people sing to her. Mommy sings daddy hums, either way Emma loves it! She loves to watch Barney and Jack's Big Music Show, I'm sure due to all the music and singing! I've been working on some signs with Emma. I'm hoping to teach her some sign language to help her tell us what she needs if we can't figure it out. I've been working on Mommy, Daddy, milk and eat. Think she's starting to get the milk one, when I made the sign she started smiling and was making happy sounds. Everywhere we go people stop us to tell us how beautiful she is, although people still ask if she's a boy or a girl! I think it's because she has only a little bit of hair.

Recently Emma started grabbing her feet and to her father's delight started putting them in her mouth! We have been feeding Emma rice cereal and oatmeal. She likes the oatmeal a little better, I don't blame her the rice tastes like cardboard. Emma loves to blow raspberries while she's being fed! So of course the food is all over her, mommy and the couch! lol

I can't believe it was almost a year ago that I found out I was pregnant! I found out on May 26, the day after mom's birthday. I'm sure she had been pestering God on my behalf so I could finally have a baby. Emma is such a joy. I'm going to have a hard time with posting pics for this blog, we've taken so many it will be hard to choose which to post!! I promise I will blog more soon, not three months from now!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Emma's first month

On February first we took Emma for her one month doctor visit. She weighed 10 pounds, and she measured 21 12 inches long! Keith and I cannot believe how fast she is growing! We gave Emma her, first bath today too, her umbilical cord finally fell off! She absolutely loved it! Emma just laid back on the hammock and enjoyed a warm bath! Emma has one of those little tubs and it came with a hammock for newborns. It scared her at first, she kept thinking she was falling, but at the same time she loved it, lol After Emma's bath we put her in her jammies and swaddled her up in her blankie and she promptly fell asleep in Keith's arms.

The next day my cousin Joanne came up from Long Island to have lunch and meet Emma for the first time! Joanne brought pizza and some goodies from the bakery. She also brought Emma a cut Belle piggie bank. I tell you pretty soon Emma will have more money than her mommy and daddy, lol

The folowing week I was reading facebook posts from friends and I noticed that the t.v. show Clean House was coming to Newburgh!! Our upstairs neighbor Lynn, Keith and Emma and I braved the cold and waited outside for the "yard sale" Lynn got a great big hug from designer Mark Brunnets (I know I spelled that wrong, lol) Of course I couldn't get the camera out of my pocket fast enough, couldn't feel my hands! Finally they let us go inside. It was totally overwhelming, there were sooooo many people in the building. While we were waiting to buy a wii system and rockband, Emma and I got our picture taken with Matt Iseman! They filmed us making our purchase and shortly after the camera crew came back and asked if they could film more of Emma! Obviously I said of course!! Next we stood in line to meet Trish Suhr. She took one look at Emma, reached for the hand sanitizer and said, "you know you're handing me that baby!" She picked Emma up and said" girl if Miss. Nicey was here she would be eatin this baby up!" Emma then tooted in Trish's hands, lol Trish said "she's tootin on me!" , "she's tootin in her tutu!" We dressed Emma really cute, hoping that she would get on t.v and we knew that Nicey Nash, the usual host of the show loves babies. Unfortunately she was not there, but our Emmie did get on t.v! The show airs in June so hopefully they won't cut us!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Emma's home coming

Emma's first week home was a busy one! Emma had her first doctor visit. Her doctor is Dr. El-Naghy, she is wonderful!! Emma already gained back some of the weight she had lost in the hospital. She weighed 8lbs 1 oz. The doctor told us we had to go for blood work because Emma was a little bit jaundiced. I never noticed it until I looked at her pics. You can see it in the pics I posted last time. We went twice to the hospital for blood work, my poor little pumpkin. After the second trip she was A ok. In two days time Emma gained 4oz, little piggie :)

On Emma's two week visit she was 8lbs 15 oz! Dr. El-Naghy was very pleased with how Emma was doing and how she's growing. Poor Emma had to get a shot that day, boy did she howl like an angry cat!! Emma has three cries, her "botox cry" where she sticks out her top lip and says wah (it's her fake cry for attention, lol), then her donkey cry where she sounds like a braying donkey and then the full out angry cat cry! Thank goodness the angry cat doesn't happen often, lol

Keith and I took Emma to Rochester to meet her Grandpa James and to meet Keith's best friend Bob, his girlfriend Shawna and Shawna's daughter Arianna. We had a great time! Emma got to go to Disney on Ice while we were there, of course she slept through the first half of the show! lol Apparently she was waiting for Cinderella and Tinkerbell to come out, lol "Uncle" Bob sent Emma home with his Miami Dolphins blanket because Emma fell asleep on it on the couch each morning. Arianna loved holding Emma she said she fit perfectly in her lap! (Arianna is six, lol ) Shawna loved holding Emma too and took her every chance she got :) Thank God there wasn't too much snow while we were there. We got to visit all our favorite stores and have a garbage plate while we were there! Keith and I can't wait to introduce Emma to the garbage plate, lol

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Emma's early days

Emma was due to arrive on Christmas Day. Of course being a girl she was having none of that! There will be no sharing of the birthday gifts with Christmas ones, lol

I was sent on the 31st to be induced, the doctor didn't want me going beyond my 40th week. Keith and I arrived at the hospital at 9 am on December 31st to find that it was a very busy day in the baby ward. Nurse Brenda, who i've known most of my life, said they would wait before inducing me because they were so busy and wanted to be able to help me when I went into labor. I was quite thankful for that to say the least! lol

Well they hooked me up to a monitor so they could keep track of Emma's heartbeat. Apparently I started having contractions and Emma was in distress every time I had one. The doctor realized that Emma's cord was around her neck and that a c-section was needed. Of course I had just got done telling the nurse that I did not want any needles, especially in my back. Well that idea went out the window!

Keith was all decked out in his white jumpsuit for the o.r., quite a sight that was!! They took us in around 12 noon. Got me prepped gave me the spinal and at 12:25 Emma came into the world, screaming like an angry cat! Keith and I cried, we never expected to be parents. Emma was and is our miracle baby.

Emma weighed 8lbs 9.8oz and was 21 inches long.

They took me to recovery and Keith went down to the nursery to see our baby girl. Our dear friend Maria, who told the hospital staff that she was my sister, met Keith by the nursery to welcome Emma into the world. After being in recovery, and regaining the feeling in my lower half, I came down to the nursery area. Maria told me I had a beautiful daughter.

I got settled into my room and then they brought Emma to me. I cannot in words express to you how I felt to be holding my daughter. Tears come to my eyes now as I sit here and type this. I have wanted to be a mom for so long. I thank my mom for harassing God while she's been up in heaven and making this possible!

We had many guests while we were in the hospital, even beyond the amount allowed! lol Everyone held Emma and said how beautiful she was. She even had visitors all the way from Virginia!

Keith and I thank Maria, Gloria, Ashley, Donna, Naomi, Michele, Dani, Timmy and Sharon for welcoming our little pumpkin into the world!

We stayed in the hospital till Sunday, January 3rd. It was snowing on our way home. Donna and Lynn stopped by to see Emma. She had on an outfit that made her look like a little present.

I was exhausted from the surgery but so glad to be home! Keith took that week off to stay home and help me with the baby while I got back on my feet. Thank God! lol